Rap Style Article

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Rap Style Article

Let’s talk law, not breaking the jaw
But understanding the system and more
We got exams and study guides, oh my
For those who wanna take the nj civil service law enforcement exam, here’s your guide
Like John Watson, an attorney at law
He’ll help you out, no flaw
Largest defense contractor in the world
Top global companies, their flag unfurled
Lew license requirements, what you need to know
Before you’re good to go
Understanding law enforcement hours is key
To be successful in this degree
Driving change in law campaigns
Is what it takes, it’s not mundane
Know your Canada trade agreement with Europe
It’s got some legal insights for sure
Is dropshipping legal in Greece?
Check out the link, it’s quite a piece
For legal internship jobs and more
Opportunities knocking at your door
Even in Malaysia, there’s a need
For legal advisors, take the lead
So if you’re in the legal field
These links are your shield
To navigate the legal world
And make your mark, unfurl!
